Does Your Child Have a Weight Problem?
We as parents know the basics. We know about obesity and the physical, health and social problems...
7 Ways to Crave Less Sugar
If I were to award a single food item with the title of ‘Fastest Way For Your Child or Yourself to...
If you use these 4 strategies with every meal, I guarantee…
If you use these 4 strategies with every meal, I guarantee you'll have an amazing physical...
Your results are equal to the level of intensity in workout
In other words, you get what you give when it comes to exercise and results... and really...
High-Intensity Interval Training
Certain fitness myths just won’t die. Have your kids ever played the old school game telephone?...
Most of us consider fruit to be healthy…
Most of us consider fruit to be healthy – something that we can enjoy without restraint. While...
Stop Obsessing About Your Weight
...but you cannot control your weight. Do you disagree with that statement? Ok, go stand on a...
Want an easier way to lose fat?
Want an easier way to lose fat? Then STOP starving yourself and your kids, counting calories, and...
Marlon and Kara
Marlon and Kara Owners and Trainers