Want an easier way to lose fat? Then STOP starving yourself and your kids, counting calories, and eliminating your favorite food groups!
Those extreme techniques only burn you and your kids out and leave everyone on edge and more frustrated than ever.
I bet if I sat on your shoulder and watched your daily routine, I would be able to identify at least 5 areas where you and your family could make simple changes that would effortlessly help you lose unwanted pounds…
…Because the truth, is that real fat loss comes with lasting, healthy lifestyle changes. You’ll get to your goals quicker when you stop making these 5 Lifestyle Mistakes:
Lifestyle Mistake #1: Lack of Sleep. To put this simply, you need to sleep more. Most adults need an average of eight hours of sleep each night, and children 3-12 years old need between10-12 hours of sleep EACH night and I know we aren’t getting that much. When you don’t get adequate amounts of rest, you’re more likely to be hungry, overeat, and gain weight.
How does this work? Something like this.
If you’re tired, you won’t feel like cooking a healthy meal, and you’ll opt for fast (fattening) food instead. This very same lack of energy will also likely cause you to skip the gym. On top of that, sleep deprivation causes your metabolism to slow down, and if you’ve not heard, that is not something you want when trying to shed a few pounds.
Lifestyle Mistake #2: Too Much TV Time: Many people are in the habit of sitting in front of the TV for hours on end after a stressful day at school or work. Yes, you may be worn out and need a break, but sitting on the couch, zoned out, watching TV or
If you must watch the evening news or see your favorite show, use the time to burn a few calories. Keep some hand weights next to the couch and work your biceps and triceps. Stand up and do some squats or lunges to work your legs and buttocks. Get on the floor and do some sit-ups to tone your abs or push-ups to tone your arms. Also, remember that exercise and fresh air actually flood in the endorphins and reduce stress way more than doing nothing on the couch.
Lifestyle Mistake #3: Skipping Breakfast. Want to know a secret to successful weight loss? Eat breakfast! (we aren’t talking pancakes and café con leche here though.)Try cutting calories by skipping breakfast, and you’ll be excessively hungry by mid-morning. As a result, the healthy calories you could have eaten at breakfast are replaced with calorie-filled snacks and an over-sized lunch.
Once again, fitting breakfast into your busy schedule may mean dramatic lifestyle changes. But research shows that the habit of eating a healthy breakfast is key to losing weight and keeping pounds off. Not to mention much brighter minds at school or the office. Get to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual and set your alarm 10 minutes earlier to give yourself time to eat breakfast
Lifestyle Mistake #4: Drinking Too Much Sugar. Lasting fat loss is about changes. Unfortunately, some of the changes one must make are difficult. If you and your kids are some of the millions hooked on soda, alcohol, or other sweetened beverages (like fruit juice) then your fitness goals may remain out of reach until you replace these drinks with water. You should also know that our brain often confuses thirst with hunger.
So at the first sign of hunger, don’t just grab a snack or calorie-filled drink. Instead, grab a glass of water.
Lifestyle Mistake #5: Not Doing the Right Physical Activity. Weight loss is about burning more calories than you consume. Therefore, it should make sense to you that dieting and exercise must go hand in hand. If you want to speed up weight loss and keep the weight away, add or increase the amount and intensity of physical activity in your daily life.
For many people, this is the most difficult lifestyle change of all, but the benefits are well worth it. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of intense exercise on most days of the week. As adults, we see how hard it is to get in the shape that we want. The earlier that exercise is a normal part of your everyday routine, the more likely it is to stick, and maintaining is much easier than losing. So the earlier we get our kids moving, the easier it will become to keep them healthy. And parents…just start. Keep up with your kids and your body will become slimmer and more toned.
If you’re fed up with your body, if you’ve reached the end of your rope, if you think that you’ll never enjoy wearing a bathing suit again in public, if you worry about your child being teased because of their appearance…then I have good news for you.
I’m here to help you meet your fitness and fat loss goals. In fact, seeing my clients reach their goals is what drives me to do what I do. I can’t wait to see your transformations unfold.
Call or email today to get started on a fitness program that will get you on the fast track to your best body ever.